Once you install a Care-Free Water Conditioner, you can expect to see greener, healthier, more robust growth with less water. The better ‘wetting action’ of conditioned water breaks up soil clods and improves soil texture by surrounding individual soil particles with tiny droplets of conditioned water. Not only does your soil become more permeable but it is able to retain its moisture content for longer periods.
By improving the permeability, unwanted salts which previously accumulated around the root zone and in the soil, are flushed well below the roots and do not reform. Stressing to the plant is relieved with the salts removed. Now your plants can extract the nutrients they crave from the soil.
What’s more, mineral particles and salts in conditioned water no longer adhere to the leaves to the same degree and so leaf burn is reduced considerably. You’ll notice improved growth in weeks.
Because conditioned water is absorbed more rapidly into the ground, evaporation is reduced so you need less water. Indeed, some customers report water savings of 30%.
Consider the benefits
You see a Care-Free Water Conditioner will
Care-Free Water Conditioners is natural and perfect Solution
to Hard water problem, neutralising the adverse effects in your water supply
Flowrates: 12 lit/min to 15300 lit/min
Boost Your Productivity
Normally salts get deposited on the root system creating a barrier for required salts to enter the plant system, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies, stunted growth, and poor development. Carefree Water Conditioner breaks the bonds between salt molecules, and reduces their particle sizes. Since the bond is broken with the use of Carefree Water Conditioner, these required salts now are able to enter in a micronized form more effectively into the plants. This result in increase in quantity and quality.