Generally, the ranges for different levels of water hardness is as given
Soft: Less than 75 parts per million (ppm)
Moderately hard: 75–150 ppm
Hard: 150–300 ppm
Very hard: 300 ppm or higher
Hard water can cause scale buildup in pipes and boilers. This can lead to reduced flow and pressure, and increased energy costs. Scale buildup can also clog pipes, valves, and nozzles. It can also cause corrosion and deterioration of metals in industrial equipment and plumbing, which then may require more frequent maintenance and repairs. But simple and perfect solution is Care-Free Water Conditioners.
Consider the benefits
You see a Care-Free Water Conditioner will…
Care-Free Water Conditioners uses
No Salt, No Magnets, No Filters & No Chemicals!
This commercial dishwasher at an Aboriginal Health Service in the Northern Territory was badly calcified.
Since installing a Care-Free Water Conditioner, the commercial dishwasher has remained clean.
Flowrates: 12 lit/min to 15300 lit/min
Compliments Existing Industrial Application
If you have a water softener on your boiler feed water, big savings can be made by installing a Care-Free Conditioner “before” the softener. Not only will the performance of the softener be improved, but regeneration times will be extended which reduces your costs considerably. The catalytic process converts minerals that cause “hard" water like calcium, lime and magnesium, into neutralized, inert elements that become water soluble & simply flow through your water system without scale build-up, corrosion or other damaging effects.