By applying a simple, yet totally natural water treatment process, the Care-Free Water Conditioner helps neutralize the adverse effects of many of the undesirable substances in your water supply. The Care-Free Water Conditioner is an in-line catalytic water treatment system. It operates by a combination of the following: 1. Turbulence of the water through a specially designed catalytic chamber. 2. By the creation of a small electrical field around the chamber casing. This combination causes a separation of the mineral particles in the water, which changes their behaviour. Particles, which were previously attracted to each other now repel and separate into smaller individual particles. This allows the "separated" mineral particles and salts to flow through the system with minimal interference. Corrosive gases are released during conditioning and move through the water as harmless bubbles. They are expelled into the atmosphere when water leaves the tap. To put it simply, the Care-Free Conditioner eliminates the cohesion that exists between the mineral particles in the water.